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Contains weekly updates for my proposal on Implementing RL methods in mlpack.

Open PRs:

  1. Bipedal walker using Soft Actor-Critic
  2. A small bug fix for SAC agent, while loading a pretrained model

Merged PRs:

  1. DoubleDQN doesn’t utilize DoubleQLearning
  2. Addition of q_networks
  3. Removing terminal state for Pendulum-v0
  4. Changes in parameter description for activation functions in ANN module
  5. Changes in the Pendulum-v0 implementation
  6. Forward function update for softplus_function.hpp
  7. Addition of Normal Distribution to ANN module
  8. Accessor and Mutator for action in q_learning
  9. Added cartpole-dqn notebook
  10. Addition of DuelingDQN and Noisy linear layer
  11. Addition of Noisy DQN to QLearning
  12. N-step learning for DQN
  13. Adding support to use gym_tcp_api for training agents in q_learning
  14. Doc changes for q_learning
  15. Changes corresponding to mlpack repo in cartpole_dqn
  16. Changes to the network initialization methods in Q_learning networks
  17. Adding notebook for solving acrobot using dqn
  18. Adding notebook for solving mountainCar using DQN
  19. Added the pendulum notebook
  20. Addition of Categorical DQN
  21. Added LunarLander-v2 env with dqn notebook
  22. Addition of Soft Actor-Critic to RL methods
  23. Adding SAC example for pendulum env
  24. Added support for multiple actions in action space for Soft Actor Critic